At HOPE IS we believe that people, communities, outcomes and situations can change.

“It takes more energy and time to hopeless
than to… simply hope”


David D Robertson

Hope Enthusiast

“It takes more energy and time to hopeless
than to… simply hope”


David D Robertson

Hope Enthusiast

We envision communities where individuals and organizations are inspired to commit their talents and resources toward innovative problem solving in their communities.

We believe change happens when people have access to resources and information.

We believe change happens when people are inspired and empowered by other peoples stories.

We believe change happens when people are connected to a common experience within a community.


The Hope Is Foundation was organized in 2016 and established as a linkage to care support for young people in communities of color who otherwise would not access mental health support because of cost, stigma, and culturally unresponsive support. Through community workshops that addressed trauma for youth and young adults of color, we were able to reach more than 500 students and train more than 300 educators, health service providers, and community leaders to use our curriculum to improve belonging and mental wellness outcomes for students.

Our community programs positioned us to better understand the problem space as it relates to supporting mental health  wellness for students. Specifically, we learned that the demand for culturally relevant mental health support far exceeded the available service providers in schools and on college campuses where mental wellness needs and suicide rates are rising. Consequently, students often attempt school with untreated mental illness. 

So in 2020, we clarified our mission to address this unique problem by supporting the integration of culturally relevant mental health support with technology to reduce harm for students. Our vision is to encourage the use of technology as resources for students to become self-directive in their mental wellness journey.  The development of In That Order app is the first of many tools that we will develop toward that end.


David Robertson is a graduate from Columbia University’s School of Social Work majoring in Clinical Social Work and former fellow at the SafeLab where he designed and supported the development of technology-enabled clinical interventions. David holds a Master of Arts in Teaching & Community Leadership. As a qualitative researcher, he combines his wealth of knowledge about grief and trauma-informed practices with contemporary methods like restorative practices and wellness writing to support organizations in creating shared experiences that foster belonging and connection using technology.

David has created Northeastern Illinois University’s first endowed scholarship by a Black alumnus in its 154-year-old history.


Hope Is Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Hope Is Foundation expands local communities’ capacity to respond to the health, educational, and economic needs of the community. We do this by promoting volunteerism, mentorship, access to health and wellness services, and strategic community partnerships.

Your donations help us promote and establish our non-profits hopeful programs nationally and globally. Hope is helping other people evolve. Thank you for helping us make hope history.


Hope Is Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization  that supports local communities and education organizations by investing in and creating technology-enabled mental health and social emotional learning curriculum, research, products and programs for youth and young adults.  


Melissa Peterson

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Mike Leonardo

Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas amet dictum sit amet justo donec.

Roxana Simons

Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas amet dictum sit amet justo donec.

Nick Buding

Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas amet dictum sit amet justo donec.
